Your DJ can make or break your evening.

Having worked with a great many DJ’s over the years, I have concluded that not all DJ’s are created equal.

As with any of the vendors you choose to hire, venues included, you truly “get what you pay for”.

I would like to offer just a few things to consider when hiring a DJ. Obviously from the perspective of a videographer.

You first need to understand a DJ’s role is more than just playing your chosen music. A great deal more! The DJ is, in every sense of the word, your Master of Ceremony. He or she needs to be able to address your guests in an engaging and entertaining way as well as keeping them informed of what is coming up on the evening's agenda.

Your DJ MUST be comfortable behind a microphone. My 25 years in broadcasting, both radio and TV, has brought many types of on-air talent across my path and a DJ needs to have many of the same skills as an on-air radio personality.

In addition to public address, your DJ needs to be able to work with other vendors. Being Master of Ceremony requires them to manage the timeline alongside your planner or coordinator as well as making sure your photographer and videographer are in place for the upcoming events, even if it means potentially delaying that event by a minute or two to make sure they are in place and ready to go.

A good DJ will also be able to “read the room”. Picking up the pace on the dance floor or knowing when to slow it down a bit when needed. Even if it means deviating from the chosen playlist.

Like I said I’ve had the privilege of working with some really great DJ’s (one of them in my vendor list) and from my perspective, can sometimes make the difference between good footage and great footage at the reception. I promise you, a good DJ will be worth every dime!

Feel free to reach out!

Hope this helps!